Magnesium Magnesium bar M g Magnesium 12

Today’s Special

Magnesium Bar

Each decadent 24.305u bar of solid magnesium features a luxurious 12 proton filling. Enjoy melted at 650°C or indulge in it with the finest dishes including dark chocolate, avocados, spinach, black beans, beets, tofu, and fireworks.

Magnesium M g Magnesium 12


  • Element: Magnesium
  • What: A shiny silver-grey metal that ignites easily in air and burns with a bright light.
  • Chemical Symbol: Mg
  • Atomic Number: 12
  • Atomic Mass: 24.305
  • Category: Alkaline Earth Metal


  • Magnesium is an essential element of life. Without it photosynthesis could not take place, meaning plants could not capture sunlight and life as we know it would not exist.
  • There are about 20 grams of magnesium inside you, mainly in your bones.
  • You need 250–350 milligrams of magnesium every day.
  • Magnesium does not occur uncombined in nature.